Thursday, November 30, 2017

I am Poem

     Image result for i am                  
I am a student at Pinehill School.
I wonder what I’m going to be when i grow up.
I hear howling in the tall poles on sail boats.
I see a farm with its old windmill.
I want a swimming pool to feel free in.
I am a student at pinehill School.

I pretend I am flying in the white fluffy clouds.
I feel alive when i'm playing hockey.
I touch the fish in my long smooth pond.
I worry that I might not get a good place in discus.
I cry when someone dies in my family.
I am a student at Pinehill School.

I understand that money doesn't grow on trees.
I say don't give up,keep going.
I dream that people in the future won't kill the forests in the world.
I try my best at school with every subject.
I hope that Pinehill School will never shut down for a very long time.
I am a student at Pinehill School.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


We are leaning to write Creature Alliteration , were it lives , eats , were you saw it and what about it.
My Mermaidian lives in a media mellow metal mild trout.

My Mermaidian eats milk with mustard and moles and maggots on top and drinks mango with magical mushrooms.

Mermaidian loves to swim in magical mystery mud pool with morning Monday mugs.

Mermaidian has magical scaley tail with muscley arms that go in front, and wings , she has very long hair.

My Mermaidian went in the main room and wanted mellow food.   

Monday, October 23, 2017

Today was tomorrow Teaser

Today was tomorrow Teaser

Tick , tock , tick , tock...Beep! Today is the first day at my new school , I can't wait! I walk up to the front gate taking a deep breath , and began to go in . Wait a minute I haven't interested myself and my friends , my name is Bethany and my friends are Michel , Sammy , Caleb , and Clara , we are all coming to the new school , were so excited and nervous at the same time...

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Obstacle Course

              Obstacle Course
                         Hunua Falls Camp
Today is the big day for the hike *YAY!* WHAT! There is no hike anymore!?! nooo wait what are you doing
then?!?...oh we are doing plan.B we are doing the obstacle course!!!

We are at the obstacle course,I'm so scared and excited at the same time! We have to go over the tyres and then the noodles (that's what I call them) then the poles that you go around then the grey old raced net, then to the water slide and plop the water in the bucket.Cabin 4 was getting ready to pounce with my cup of water in my hand,Ready Set Go! Hannah went first,Hannah was running with her cup of water in hand and she was walking like a grasshopper it is funny,now it my turn ok i'm ready i'm starting to run like a bus starting im at the start...GO! I'm starting at the tyres I feel that i’m going to fall at the end of the tyres it looked like the mud was slippery I jumped ahh! Almost slipped over ,that was scary,we are almost to the waterslide I can't wait to do it we are at the poles i'm getting puzzled at the poles because I don't know where i'm going so as Hannah in front of me i'm getting to the net it was grey and rough a teacher was there getting ready to put over me I dived into the net ewww it was cold and muddy and lots of my water is coming out of my cup!!! Oh no will i make it! I jumped onto the water slide weeee! yay I made it I dumped the water in,there was a big plop when I tipped the cold plastic cup yay said Hannah we made it!. When all the people did the obstacle course we had fun on the waterslide the parents made it all soapy and fun! At the end of the waterslide,the water got on the mud, it made it muddy!(ewwww im my opinion) and that was the obstacle course!

                                 ðŸ’–  Bethany 💖

Sunday, April 9, 2017

   Bethany's Term 1 and 2 Goals

  1. I would like to learn my 7,8,12 times tables , I will put them on my side-table at my bed so when I wake up I will practice them. I will also say them in my head when i'm in bed.

  1. I would like to tell the time faster, I count them in fives every time so I will practice every time when i get home from school.

 3.I will practice my muiltercation so I will practice my times to do muiltercation.  

Outdoors Goals

1. I will practice my netball shooting, After school I will go to my netball goal and try and shoot as many as I can max 20 goals.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

4 Weeks At School!

Intro:YAY! I'm a year 6 this year! And in the BEST CLASS is...drumroll, its ROOM 16!

This year is 2017 the best year! We were tort to save people's
lives by doing CPR with a dummy,mouth to mouth to help
people to breath again,and when you get a deep cut you
block it,scweez it,lift it and wrap it.the best person that
tort us was Mac is the best at teaching it!
Image result for st john
2 weeks ago we did sizzling summer scenes,mine is a red butterfly one of them had a L-O-N-G slide it was so scary,and the other one i was at the beach at Whitianga (Simpsons Beach). There were BIG waves.
In maths we were doing Find Me Out so you do maths to let’s say your age was 10 so you would do 10x10-90=something,so you do them all and you get a piece of paper and you draw your self.It was fun!