Thursday, November 30, 2017

I am Poem

     Image result for i am                  
I am a student at Pinehill School.
I wonder what I’m going to be when i grow up.
I hear howling in the tall poles on sail boats.
I see a farm with its old windmill.
I want a swimming pool to feel free in.
I am a student at pinehill School.

I pretend I am flying in the white fluffy clouds.
I feel alive when i'm playing hockey.
I touch the fish in my long smooth pond.
I worry that I might not get a good place in discus.
I cry when someone dies in my family.
I am a student at Pinehill School.

I understand that money doesn't grow on trees.
I say don't give up,keep going.
I dream that people in the future won't kill the forests in the world.
I try my best at school with every subject.
I hope that Pinehill School will never shut down for a very long time.
I am a student at Pinehill School.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


We are leaning to write Creature Alliteration , were it lives , eats , were you saw it and what about it.
My Mermaidian lives in a media mellow metal mild trout.

My Mermaidian eats milk with mustard and moles and maggots on top and drinks mango with magical mushrooms.

Mermaidian loves to swim in magical mystery mud pool with morning Monday mugs.

Mermaidian has magical scaley tail with muscley arms that go in front, and wings , she has very long hair.

My Mermaidian went in the main room and wanted mellow food.