I am a student at Pinehill School.
I wonder what I’m going to be when i grow up.
I hear howling in the tall poles on sail boats.
I see a farm with its old windmill.
I want a swimming pool to feel free in.
I am a student at pinehill School.
I pretend I am flying in the white fluffy clouds.
I feel alive when i'm playing hockey.
I touch the fish in my long smooth pond.
I worry that I might not get a good place in discus.
I cry when someone dies in my family.
I am a student at Pinehill School.
I understand that money doesn't grow on trees.
I say don't give up,keep going.
I dream that people in the future won't kill the forests in the world.
I try my best at school with every subject.
I hope that Pinehill School will never shut down for a very long time.
I am a student at Pinehill School.